Pedagogical Studies

Social, educational and arts issues

ISSN 2083-179X (previous: 1730-6795) e-ISSN 2449-8971


Guidelines for Authors

Preparation Template   (PDF)
Preparation Template   (DOC)

Review Document   (PDF)
Review Document   (DOC)


Recomendations for Authors


Anti-plagiarism system
To comply with the Directive No 36/2015 of the Rector of the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, issued on May 8, 2015, regarding anti-plagiarism procedures, software developed by System Plagiat.pl is used to verify the content of articles published in "Pedagogical Studies. Social, educational and arts issues".


Review Procedures
Procedures for reviewing articles in "Pedagogical Studies. Social, educational and arts issues" comply with guidelines issued by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and published in brochure Good Practices in Reviewing Procedures in Science, MSHE, Warsaw 2011.

By submitting a paper to our journal, the Authors hereby agree to the following review process. Submitted articles are initially qualified by Editorial Office, then they are evaluated by two reliable reviewers, experts in their scientific disciplines. The reviewers are neither members of journal Editorial Staff, nor its Editorial Board; they are not affiliated with the same institutes as the contributors. The articles are sent to reviewers who are well qualified and would not have a conflict of interest. The list of reviewers is open and published in subsequent issues of the journal.

The process of review is confidential and identities of reviewers are not released (double blind review). The article receives identification number for publishing purposes. Authors are notified of paper acceptance or non-acceptance. The notification will include comments from the reviewers, which may be addressed by the Author through correspondence with the Editorial Office.

All papers submitted to our journals go through a rigorous review process. There exist four possible outcomes for each paper submitted and reviewed: acceptance, acceptance after minor revision, major revision and re-submission, or rejection. This prevents the promulgation of pseudoscience and insures intellectual and scientific integrity.

After review, the Editor-in-Chief of the journal will look over the reviewer's comments. If two reviewers seem to hold opposite opinions of the same paper, the controversy will be resolved by the Editor-in-Chief. Ultimately, the Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision. The final decision is being one of the aforementioned possibilities: acceptance, acceptance with noted changes, or rejection of paper. Manuscripts submitted for publication are also reviewed by subject-expert editors and language editors. Empirical research findings are analysed by statistical editor.